S.B. 163 Email Template

1 min readMar 2, 2021

Hello Senator [your state Senator’s last name, find them at le.utah.gov with the “Find My Legislators” tool],

My name is [your name], and I am one of your constituents in District [#] at [address, zip code]. [Mention what your affiliation is (e.g. current student at SUU, or parent of a student at the U)].

I am emailing you to urge you to vote YES on SB163: Campus Safety Amendments. [Insert a couple of sentences as to why this bill is important to you.]

The proposals in this bill will provide students a voice at the state level when it comes to campus safety issues and create transparency regarding specific safety issues that affect the various higher educational institutions across the state of Utah. SB163 will lay the groundwork for our state to start to tackle the key issues that continue to threaten student safety, allowing students to focus on learning and becoming innovative leaders in Utah and the nation.

I hope you take this message with the utmost consideration, and I thank you for public service to us.


[Your full name]

Picture of the Utah State Capitol building in the summer time.

